Friday, 27 June 2008

Up! and Down! and again!

upon wake-up today, it occur to me that i have not been to the gym since February! i used to do a lot of yoga as well,i knew it sound boring but girl?! those fat are not shifting away on its own! yap! i am 5kg over weight! all the cloth just look wrong when i wore them, like a fat bulge over my jeans?! i had to wear a tummy control pants!! for god sake! that's is sooo wrong! so i pack my beg and head over to the gym. I nearly die on the rowing machine and basically died on the stepper machine! lucky no marie france here. Now i am on a mission 3 times a week to get toned up and will keep you posted on how I'm getting on. MIMIE too much ayam kampung goreng! and kaya! but never regret it. he! he! he!

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

I Need a drink!

back to reality yesterday, after that wedding preparation, family visit and honeymoon expenses, finally ive just received my Credit card statement. My GOD! i nearly had a heart attack! i am going to pay it all off today and will burried that card deep, VERY DEEP inside my drawers. My husband said to me that no more shopping for 3 months!! what?! I Need a drink! Please!!! mimie dear, i need that stop the urge pill! lots of those please?!

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Sex and The City Movie

what can i say? i ABFABILOUSLY Love the movie!!!! we watch it at the cinema yesterday and will watch it again this time on my own sametime next week! it is a rarerity to have a friends that are wiling to endure all your adult experience in relationship and day to day life like carrie bradshaws. I wish i had a good friends like that. I love the scene when Mr Big propose to carrie with a manolo blanik shoes on one bended knee.......soooo carrie........

Monday, 2 June 2008


Finally, the single hitch again! 30 may 2008 . i owned my MR BIG! or rather MR G.

i still cant believe the party was over, it was a Fabulous day, lots of fresh flower every where, it took 10 months of preparation. i wish i had time on my own to wonder around the wedding reception an smell the fresh flower. unfortunately the whole thing went so fast.

I am extremely happy to be MRS G! i am not very good at pouring my heart out but i will try to summed up my feeling about my MR G, after having a previous fail marriage, it took a very long time for me to trust a men again. i always thought Male species are strange! . Upon meeting Mr G, it all changed.He thought me how believe in relationship again that not every men are the same. He is a very romantic person, caring and a little boy in a grown up body, and very career driven but never forget what matters most which is time with the family. i admired him for that.A complete 'Mummy Boys' but i can deal with it.But the biggest test for him is have to deal with demanding ME! time after time he pass all the 'Lucys test'. not many guys can do that, they will runned a many miles away!. We had a lot of laugh all the time, he always knew how to wind me up with his many many scartic jokes! sometime i fall for it, same time i pretend too! as i knew its only a joke, just to keep him going and he realise that he just make a fool of himselves then we had a massive laugh about it. Mr G is not perfect yet no body is perfect including me, i believe that a 'little flaws' is good for the relationship otherwise it would be boring but one always wonder if only.... but that label MRS G? very chic!

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