Friday, 24 October 2008

Mini me and andrew

Nearly a month gone by and the weather in London has changed, from longer day light to a longer night the clock a back an hour late this weekend. GREAT! winter is officially here.
On the other hand, it all not matters as I had a good news, been keeping it secret for a while, That is i am only 10month 5days pregnant today! we went to Portland hospital yesterday for a scan and blood test for abnormality. but since the baby only 10weeks and 4 days, they could not do the test as it is 2 weeks early. We had to came back in 2 weeks time to do the test.
i was so nervous and excited yesterday when i saw the figure scan of the baby, The specialist told us so far the baby look normal and in the right size plus Baby Lucy and Andrew had a Little heart beat! how fascinating! i never though i would have a child of my own but since seeing that scan, i was looking forward to have one!
we walk out from the hospital with a smile in our face and pictures of Baby to look at!
It would be a whole new experience.....
oh by the way more shopping for new cloth to look forward to as, my usuall size 8 could no longer fit in as my boobs are growing like no body business! and my jeans could no longer fasten!

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