OMG! they are back! yes its NKOTB ! for someone or the younger generation they are short form for NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK. who are they? they are the first boy band in the late 80s and early 90s, an American band from Boston, from left is Jordan Knight 38, Joe McIntyre 35, Danny wood 39, Donnie walhberg 39 and finally Jonathan knight 39. They look good, in fact Joe my favourite hasn't change!?
I was 12 then, I remember loving them so much, like every other girl in my school we all had a massive collection of the NKOTB badges pinned to our school bag, and big posters from magazine glued to my wall. their first single 'Be My Girl' , i used to play that song a lot and thinking about my boyfriend ! those days it was just puppy love..... one day my dad had to buy me a walkman so he could have a piece and quit weekend! They have couple of songs that were good like 'Loving you forever' , 'If you go away' , 'Hanging Tough' and i cant remember the rest, it was sooooo long ago. unfortunately in 1994 the group disband and as far as i remember it because the new album were not selling well and Jonathan decided to leave the group. my feeling then quite mix as there is another band up and coming and as a teenager you were consume with hormone flying around and new band always good.Now after their reunion in 2008, they release a new album THE BLOCK. and will be touring UK early next year! i could not wait! i will make sure i got the tickets! it would be amazing! after all those years finally i fullfill that 12 years old dream!
Remember This?!
Hahaha.. That's quite nostalgic even for me!
By the way, I got an award for you at my blog, go claim it.
Thanks darling!
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