Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Happy New Year!

Christmas has long gone, that was a relieve! i had a good time, ate too much food and played too many hours of Wii games with the brother in-law son. and end the discomfort of staying over someone else house, i am missing my own bed and enjoying my last couple of month Child free ZONE!

Now i am looking forward to New years eve, we were invited to lunch and dinner party, Dinner party should be entertaining as the venue were over looking Thames river and the theme is Las Vegas Night! cant wait to dress up! i only hope that i would be able to last the whole night partying and got drunk over soft drink and juices!!!!! only a glass of champagne at midnight......
and i had decided no new year resolutions till further notice. mostly due Kemalasan!

last but not least, I Wish Everyone Have a Fabulous New Year and may all have endless abundance in 2009!

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Christmas preparation part 2

At Last! finally i managed to finish my Christmas tree decorating, i finally managed to change the lighting that goes around the tree to a longer treat, mean more lights just to make the tree looked glowie and sparkled even more as the light reflect from the glittery ornaments, which i had bought more from Harrods yesterday on 50% off ! honestly i spent an hour in the Christmas world yesterday as i was spoiled for many choices!

i don't know why, but this year i pay attention to Christmas preparations, with the tree, decoration and prezzie! since i had too much time on my hand, ie, DESPERATE HOUSEWIFE, i have decided to make my owned Christmas wreath! gosh! i included a pic before and after, it looked ok, not bad for beginners!

at the end of yesterday.... i was so shattered but satisfied that it worth the afford that i put in this year and mu husband think i am on crack or something as he never sees me so entuzias to do everything on my owned. oh! i also wrapped everyone Christmas prezzie and as you can see it is now display under the Christmas tree minus mine... as the Andy still have have not Wrapped mine yet! typical bloke they always do things last minute!

3 more days to Christmas, we are travelling down to Bournemouth, which is south of England by the coast, we are staying 2 night at Andy brother David and his mother had flew down from Hartlepool yesterday. I am going to get all dress up and will post more pictures soon.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

All I Want For Christmas is..........

All i want for Christmas is..........frankly too many to list, but one had came true early! Our Christmas Tree of course, without it the room kinda empty and not right, but it still need a better lighting, the one we put on only for temporary, it is was too short to wrap around the tree, and it missing lots of prezzies under the tree! but it is still early to put on display. i shall post a new pictures couple of days before Christmas. so be patience!!!! i hope Santa Love it!

Monday, 1 December 2008

The PINK LADY........

First of all i would like to thanks Mimi for tagging me on The Breast cancer awareness, I am their number one supporter, in London there is a fundraiser called IN THE PINK, they do couple of event last october and requested everyone wear PINK! how cute! So girlie....... to Get In the Pink

Here are just a few easy ways to get involved:

  • hold a pink party at work with pink food and drinks
  • organise a pink dinner party at home with a pink dress code
  • run a pink quiz at your school or college with pink prizes
  • for more fundraising tips and ideas look out for the Woman’s Own magazine In the Pink launch issue on 14 August
YES! i had that electric Pink dress! and i match it with black boots and pink hand bag!!!!

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Welcome back!

Sorry it has been the longest time i have neglect my blog space! well... i had a very good excuse!
Yes... Pregnancy had taken my sense and energy away. I had a terrible morning sickness and sleepy most afternoon. But today enough is enough! It scared me, to think that i am turning into a mummy pumpkin! obviously i no longer go to the gym in my conditions, so my lovely husband bought me the Wii fitness game, it has golf, tennis, bowling and boxing which not for me.
I loved it so much! now i can play all these sport in my own home comfort. But non the less outdoor activity are good for you when you are fizically can do it.

Me and Andy been busy decorating the spare room we had to a baby room, throwing junk away! mostly andy old stuff. Now it all bare, we are now waiting for the carpenter to build a single wordrobe in for the baby cloth and stuff! this is inside our home on the other hand we also have builders cleaning and maintaining the house on the outside so the property look like a building side! and i kinda had enough! cant wait for holiday in january!

Friday, 24 October 2008

Mini me and andrew

Nearly a month gone by and the weather in London has changed, from longer day light to a longer night darkness....plus the clock a back an hour late this weekend. GREAT! winter is officially here.
On the other hand, it all not matters as I had a good news, been keeping it secret for a while, That is i am only 10month 5days pregnant today! we went to Portland hospital yesterday for a scan and blood test for abnormality. but since the baby only 10weeks and 4 days, they could not do the test as it is 2 weeks early. We had to came back in 2 weeks time to do the test.
i was so nervous and excited yesterday when i saw the figure scan of the baby, The specialist told us so far the baby look normal and in the right size plus Baby Lucy and Andrew had a Little heart beat! how fascinating! i never though i would have a child of my own but since seeing that scan, i was looking forward to have one!
we walk out from the hospital with a smile in our face and pictures of Baby to look at!
It would be a whole new experience.....
oh by the way more shopping for new cloth to look forward to as, my usuall size 8 could no longer fit in as my boobs are growing like no body business! and my jeans could no longer fasten!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


I am celebrating Raya in London again this year, last year i managed to balik kampung to Kotakinabalu, and that was i first raya back after 10 years! but this year, i am unable to balikkampung as my husband tied down to work plus i just seen my family back in may for the wedding.
I am planning to go home in January next year . Funny thing is, i am feeling homesick recently as my mind driff to all mum delicious home cooking! at raya mum do nice rendang and ketupat!!!!
and as the chong family do we normally go visit my grandfather in sandakan, it does had the old kampung feeling to it, my grandfather house is on a stilt and we had big garden and when i was a little girl, i remember playing guli under the stilt and main getah! also normal ritual we had a katam katam gamble table! and my funniest uncle are the ALONG!
as it is raya today to beat that homesick feeling, we are going to have nice dinner tonight at one of the malaysian restaurant called Awana in chelsea, we both never been there and apparently it was very authentic, so, i am looking forward to it! Here my little raya celebration in London! CHEERS!!!!

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Edward scissorhand!

As promised, finally i manage to upload my new hairstyle photos, sorry for the delay, my camera been playing up again.....it was a massive change! i closed my eyes when my hairdresser chop off my long hair! a bit of me keep thinking, WHAT ARE YOU DOING! and the other YEAH! GO FOR IT! but i like the result and i might cut it a lot shorter next time. And i hope you guys like it too!

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Sisterly Love....

I learned that my sister had move out from my parents house to start their own home somewhere else and being independent. i am so proud of her, taking that big step, my little sister....

i remember when i left home at 19, it all because, i wanted to be free and hate being control by my parents. she was back then only 12 years old... since that i only see her and the family twice a year.

Now when i look back i felt so selfish and guilty for not being there as often as i should have, she got pregnant at the age of 18teen, since that i blame myself for letting this happen, as a sister i should have been looking after her, make sure we do sister things after school, instead she go out and meet boys and got pregnant and had to get married, all through her pregnancy still i wasn't there.....but i make sure i was there when Beautiful baby Euan were born and look after him for a couple of days.

Then she had to balance school and parenting and looking after my mum all at the same time!

looking after parent and baby aren't easy, she same time told me over the phone that it she was very tired and had argued with the parents and wish she can be with me, but we both knows that is not possible as she had a son and husband to think about. another word she had to sacrifice her need and freedom for the mistake she made.

i wish i could give her hugs of comfort and have told her be strong and she had manage it well and one day her life will be just the way she wish for. i keep telling her it would happen.

i could not sleep last night thinking of how she going to cope with a new start, and every time i ate something nice i thought of her....and thinking what are they eating tonight? i can only hope her husband will look after her and euan well and safely.

I am looking forward to return to KK and visit my sister new home and catch up with her sisterly way and help her in any other means to see her still strong and successful. My dearest sister i am not there to help you move house but am thinking of you and your family and i will make it up with you when i get back!

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

ITS MINE baby..............

Remember i mention on last blog that i am going to Christie's auction? well, i did! and it was my first ever! certaintly wont be my last, i thoroughly enjoy myself, let me share my experience with you guys, at first you register yourself, then they will give you a number card, which you use when you are interested on bidding for something, you just show it in the air to the auctioneer, my number was 721 and i am bidding for lot 20, most of the lot are on display for a week before the day of bidding start. i arrive half an hour early just to check out my competition,
i notice there were not more than 30 people around, 10 phone bidder on stand by, and the rest were guest like me, then my lot start to came up! bidding start at £500, i bid another £50, then another phone bidder bid higher with another £50, so it just between me and the phone! it gone on till finally it goes to final bit of £750. and guess who got it? ME!!! i could not believe it! i was over the moon! not just i manage to have the back, it also belong to a supermodel Erin O'connor and given to her by Karl Lagerfield for a Chanel campaign, it was from her personal wardrobe. A portion of the profit will benefit the British fashion Council, and will be directed to her Model sanctuary, established to support young model and look after their health during London fashion week.
soon after that a lady approach me and introduce herself as from a German fashion TV, and she been following the Chanel red bag bidding since yesterday, and she would like to interview me?!
ok, i said. to my surprise she had two other guys with her, one holding a massive camera and the othe were holding this fluffy giant microphone. it took me by surprise! they interview me ( could not remember what i said! as i was still in a state of disbelieve), then they took a scene shot of me receiving the bag, and leaving Christie's with my triumph Bidding!
all and all, was a Fascinating experience at the auction house, i hope my face look good on TV! if not it only going to be aired in Germany.
So i was happy yesterday and today as i been looking for that particular Chanel colour for ages. Big Huggie for my Baby for letting me have it!

Monday, 15 September 2008

Hammer Down!

On my previous blog, i did mention about addicted to hummingbird cupcakes, i was on my way today for tea, to pick up normally one but believe you me, once to see an array of cute and delicious cupcakes infront of you?, it is easy to pick more than one! anyway i bought two to take home and walked pass Christie's auction house, what attract me to go in is, the window display has loads of beautiful dresses , from Dior, Lanvin, matthew Williamson and other designer, one inside to my suprise they have 1950 to 2007 posters, furnitures , shoes, old louise vuitto trunk and cases and hermes berkin bag!

i was so excited when i came across a Lot 20,RED Classic quilted leather 2.55 Chanel bag were amongs the lots up for auction tommorow! and it is not bad, as the bidding start at £300-£500 pound! i could not believe my eyes?! now a days the price of 2.55 had rocketed to nearly double! as i remembered 2 years ago Quilted 2.55 were selling at £900 max now £1500! the reason being the Chanel are so popular with the Rich arabs and Russian that they can afford to pay whatever the increase is just to have the latest one. Wish me luck tomorrow as i will be bidding to a max of £900 and lets hope not many bidders around!!!

Thursday, 11 September 2008

They been around the Block!

OMG! they are back! yes its NKOTB ! for someone or the younger generation they are short form for NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK. who are they? they are the first boy band in the late 80s and early 90s, an American band from Boston, from left is Jordan Knight 38, Joe McIntyre 35, Danny wood 39, Donnie walhberg 39 and finally Jonathan knight 39. They look good, in fact Joe my favourite hasn't change!?
I was 12 then, I remember loving them so much, like every other girl in my school we all had a massive collection of the NKOTB badges pinned to our school bag, and big posters from magazine glued to my wall. their first single 'Be My Girl' , i used to play that song a lot and thinking about my boyfriend ! those days it was just puppy love..... one day my dad had to buy me a walkman so he could have a piece and quit weekend! They have couple of songs that were good like 'Loving you forever' , 'If you go away' , 'Hanging Tough' and i cant remember the rest, it was sooooo long ago. unfortunately in 1994 the group disband and as far as i remember it because the new album were not selling well and Jonathan decided to leave the group. my feeling then quite mix as there is another band up and coming and as a teenager you were consume with hormone flying around and new band always good.Now after their reunion in 2008, they release a new album THE BLOCK. and will be touring UK early next year! i could not wait! i will make sure i got the tickets! it would be amazing! after all those years finally i fullfill that 12 years old dream!

Remember This?!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Be or not to Be?

Has Been thinking of changing my hair style recently or shall i say constantly! and still , don't know which style to go, i had something spring in mind but not quite sure.... if i had the courage to go for it! first one is Victoria beckham layered bob in medium blonde, secondly a heavy fringe at the front but still keeping the hair long and change my hair colour to darker shade of blonde or light brown. With the Ala Victoria, i can always get a long hair piece to put on, if i fancy a long hair look and i can curled it as well. With the fringe, i done it before about 6 years ago, so.... kinda been there and done that. in the mist of confusion i found out these rule will help me to make a decision, hopefully.....

The following are tips on styles that can make the most of your particular features:

Face Too Round - Putting a side part in the hair will slim and lengthen a face that's too round.
Thin Face - Curls or fullness at the sides will widen a long, thin face.
Large Nose - A full hairstyle or up swept crown makes the nose less noticeable.
Sharp, Angular Features - A wavy or curly hairstyle will soften a chiseled cheekbone, nose or jaw.
High forehead - A horizontal line of full bangs can cover the forehead, balancing the face.
Strong or Square Chin - A short cut with soft curls or fullness at the crown, takes attention away from the chin.
Narrow Chin - Long hair with fullness at the chin will balance a narrow chin.
Low Forehead - Vertical lines and soft fullness at the crown can lengthen the face

Oval-shaped face You're lucky - this is the kind of face shape that suits just about any hairstyle. Both long and short hair cuts look great on you, as your face shape is well balanced. The chin and forehead of an oval face shape are in even proportion.Avoid covering up your perfect face shape with heavy bangs or wearing your hair on your face. You'll lose your face shape and it may add weight to your face.

Long or short neck-A long, graceful neck is a beautiful and desirable feature and should be shown off and considered when choosing a hairstyle. Short hair can really show off your neck, however long hair can also add to your already graceful neck when worn in an elegant style, like a twist or up do.If you want a short hairstyle and your neck is short, create the appearance of length by tapering your hair at the base of the neck and fuller on the top

i just booked an appointment with my hairdresser and i shall post the pictures of my new hair do sometime soon!

after reading all those rule and tips , i must confess over the years i probably had broke all the rules with many hair style disaster! if i found those pictures i shall post it as well and we all can cringe like learn from mistakes! i wonder if i can find the late 80s pictures of me with a fringe hair style that has been lift up with tons of hairspray!

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Rained Cats and Dogs

Woke-up this morning and feeling really tired, probably having too much sleep! the thing is my sleep pattern had change since i meet Andrew, during my wild time, i used to go to bed after 1am or later than that then sleep ALL day. those days..........anyway now we ate dinner spent sometime cuddling on the sofa that as comfortable as our bed and watch what ever on the TV.

Then, by 10pm Andrew need to go bed, as he had to get up early the next day at 6am and had to be on the trading floor at 7am! so it is important to have his beauty sleep.
so when ever he need to go to bed, i like to join him, as i hate being left alone in the living room, so i watch the TV in bed while he snored away.........before i knew, i felt asleep next to him! and woke-up just as he say goodbye, then another 2 hours in bed. plus it has been raining non stop since last night! and its kinda cold as well, and that is not helping me to get out of bed!

the only reason i had to got up is the cleaner lady came in. i put my pyjamas on and just slummed my self on the sofa AGAIN and watch the news. Great, summer officially over from now on its only Rain, rain and more rain! i think i am going to get my self those Hunter Boots, black or red in festival Tall collection, i hate walking around in wet condition in an expensive or leather shoes. i had ruined one of my Jimmy Choo boots last time, for using it in the rained too much! the idea of wearing the Hunter willies pop in, after i saw couple of girls walking around in them colourful one recently and it look so chic! especially if you wear it knee high sock over jeans or just mini skirt. like the pink one thou.... i shall not make the rain stopped me going out and about. like buying new Wellies boots!

Sunday, 31 August 2008

Busy BEE...

First of all i want to apologise about posting on my last blog claiming that Malaysia not having any medal, thank you mimie for pointing it out that we won a silver medal on badminton. i watch the highlight on internet.Also sorry for not putting something up on my blog recently, Been very busy since last monday organising things in my house, seeing friends that visiting to London from maritius and doing a lot of reading on the course that i might enroll next month and been on trial job at a beauty spa to get same work experience on how they run the business. Reflect back today what i did last week...it was very tiring and interesting in a way.... I am glad to see my friend Fred, he is someone i knew for 6 years but moved back to Mauritius 5 years ago, he had a crush on me still, but i told him long time ago that he is not my type plus i am married now, so just don't go there. he understand and i am glad we still friend. i hope that he will find that someone special soon. i think he missing out on love and having a girls. as he spent pass 10 years working for his father because one day he had to take over the family build business.Basically high expectation from his father.
Also been a shoulder to cry on for a particular friends who had an boyfriend that don't care about her still she hang on to him like leaches. recently she found a piece of paper written by her boyfriend, about he missing a girl in Iran, his new wife, he fantasize about her in sleep! plus she event more suspicious when he told her to walk the dog for an hour so he can have a private conversation to family in Iran, and she over heard the way he talk was a very flirtatious. and when she asked who is he talking to, he just simply said it was a cousin wife?! you see before this she complaint to me that he has been sleeping to someone else behind her back and the broke up before. She claim that she is addicted to him. i cant understand this but i hope that one day she realise that so many more opportunity out there for her. if she had the courage to leave him.

On my one day trial at the beauty spa place, i had a very bad experience with an Rich Arab Client, that had scared me for life! She was behaving like diva! i am was in charge of looking after her, at first i was excited as i never spoken to Arab lady before and looking forward to meet her. First she was 40min late, she never smile, her sister with her eyeing me up and down like i am a dirty pheasant as she had this angry permanent expression tattooed all over her face! if you know what i mean....then she casually had a cigarette then coffee, after an hour later, i start doing the treatment on her. then half way she claimed that she had a headache, so i advise her to have a glass of water and open the window for her and have a little break, little that i knew she ordered same food and going for a shower! by this time i was so piss off as she keeping me waiting and she did not inform me whatever she had done. a treatment that took 2 and a half hour end up dragged to four hours! plus she was rude everyone and keep claiming that she was very important person and don't like to be rushed! she didn't even say thank you and she want a discount on everything!!!

after all that it put me off talking to Arab woman BIG time! they want to be treat like royal princess and want everything for nothing. never again....

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Weekend away

what a eventful weekend, the Beijing Olympic finish and London having two party, on Saturday the Nothing hill carnival then sunday the pass over Olympic party in front of the Buckingham palace and trafagal square. so we get away from all the mayhem by travelling up to Newcastle to visit my husband mother, since on her own, we decided to keep her company for 2 days. it took around 3 and a half hour drive up and back. we only watch the event on TV, i was hoping to see Malaysia my own country to have a medal, but apparently we did not get any, oh what a shame.....what happen to our badminton team? i recall we were quite good. Anyway while we were up at Newcastle, we do a little sightseeing, we visited a place called whitbey, it was a fishing village, so many fish and chip shop around and yes i did have same! it was nice. also a lot of curiosity shops. it was nice to get away from busy London.

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Pet Lover? always......

lounging around yesterday, i called it lazy sunday, i came across this wonderful and moving article in a newspaper, it shed me to tears, i have to admit that there is something wonderful about love and relationship between a human and an animals, there is much cruelty in this world to our animals, but it is so heartening to know there are others like us who cares and who had that bond. i have to share this moving story to all of you, it make me remember all the happy and frustrating time i had with my little feline cat ONEAL a white siamess, sadly Oneal died in 2007 due to cancer and he had been with the family for 11 years. he has been part of the family and sadly missed.

He Loved Me and I Had To Kill Him...

The only time that Mark Birley, that quintessentially reserved Englishman and ruler of the nightclub Annabel’s, sent me a love letter, it began: “Darling Belinda, I know I only saw you last night, and will see you again in a few days, but there is something I wanted to put in writing. I want to tell you how much I love and admire you” (here, I caught my breath) “for rescuing that divine dog.”
The rest of the letter was not about me at all. It was all about Goofy, the mixture of spaniel and scamp with the wonderful, intelligent eyes that I had brought home, after nightmarish battles with official-dom, from the Greek island of Paxos.
From the moment he scrambled over a Greek wall into my arms, in flight from the very short chain on which he had been imprisoned, my fate had been sealed. “That is Goofy,” said my Greek friend Spiro. “Belinda, that is a great dog; he spent part of the winter with me.”
That night I had to drive to town. To my astonishment, Goofy leapt onto the back seat of the car. Thrusting head and both front paws out of the rear window, he positioned himself like the figurehead on the prow of our ship, showing off to the world.
The night continued and still Goofy didn’t seem keen to go home. Eventually, he was deposited by a girlfriend on the path beside his owners’ house. “What a terribly nice dog,” I said. “Stop it,” she said. When I awoke next morning there was Goofy. He had spent all night on my doorstep.
Over the next few days Goofy followed me through the olive groves, running in delighted circles around me. Whenever I returned him to his owners, he’d make amazing escapes to find me. Details of Goofy’s life began to emerge. In the Paxos winters, people have plenty of time for family and other animals. In the summer, they are working in the tavernas, the cafes or tourist businesses until the early hours, before rising at dawn to do the whole thing all over again. Goofy’s owners worked day and night, so the dog was left chained for interminable periods at home. His coat was good; he was fed; but whenever possible he escaped.
I was alone on the island that year and Spiro was worried about my safety; a dog, he said, would be company and protection. If I liked, we could go together to Goofy’s owners and offer to look after him while I was on Paxos. The owner shrugged his consent and Goofy was – temporarily, I thought – mine.
My funny little timeshare dog and I became a familiar feature, walking miles along cliffs, stopping in villages so that he could cheek the basking cats. Everywhere we went, old ladies in black clucked and fed him, children on bicycles called his name. An old fisherman on the quay observed, stroking Goofy’s ears: “Einai filos me ollous” – “He is friend with everybody.”
In the morning, when lying on the terrace to start my exercises, I would complain when Goofy clambered all over me. But he learnt quickly; within a week I found him taking a position exactly parallel to me. As I stretched forward, one white furry leg stretched out in imitation.
Then one afternoon Goofy started growling – unheard of – and his hackles rose. As a motorbike made its way to my garden gates, he shot behind my legs as if to hide. His owner made his way up the path, wanting the dog back. Stiff-legged with resistance, Goofy had to be dragged towards the motorbike. Held tight by the scruff of the neck as he was driven away, he looked back at me, mute and beseeching. I found I was in tears.
It was suggested that the dog would probably have a better time at home if he forgot me. His owners couldn’t have liked hearing how content he was and it is irresponsible to take a dog’s affection if you can’t commit long-term. But occasionally he still escaped and I would find him waiting at the house. Once, in the early hours in the village car park, I returned to my car to find Goofy curled up in a ball by the driver’s door in the certainty that, eventually, I must come back to it. There was no escaping his total devotion.
That autumn, back in Britain, I called Spiro often for news of Goofy. It was then that he told me Goofy’s owners didn’t want him any more; that they would probably dump him on the mainland, where the average life expectancy of a stray dog was about a week. I knew what I had to do.
First, Spiro was briefed to offer Goofy’s owners an absurdly large amount of drachmas; then I frantically juggled to conjure up a week off work so I could go to Greece to rescue a dog who might, perhaps, have forgotten me. I need not have worried. When I finally arrived at the home of his owners, Goofy – tethered on his short chain – stood absolutely stock still for a second when he saw me. Then he went frantic with joy.
I chartered a boat to take us to Corfu to visit the nearest vet, who injected Goofy with a microchip and gave him rabies shots; a month later, he’d have to go back for blood samples, to be sent all the way to Italy. As I boarded a boat after that first week, Goofy saw me leaving: he broke free from Spiro, then hurled himself off the jetty. The sight of my little dog frantically trying to swim for my boat until he was pulled, bedraggled, out of the water by a fisherman, left me with tear-stained cheeks all the way to Athens.
The blood samples were lost; the whole process had to be repeated, losing me three months. Draconian quarantine laws then forced me to leave Goofy in Greece for six months – so I sneaked back to see him for Christmas and the new year of the millennium, when I rented a house above the Eremitis cliffs and took long walks with him in eerie red winter sunsets.
Finally, we started travelling back to England – during a 40C August heatwave – by taking a flight from Corfu to Athens. Disaster: when I arrived at Athens airport there was no sign of Goofy’s crate. Only after flashing a pompous-looking leather folder embossed with an impressive crest – in fact, it read “Formula One 50th anniversary”, a legacy from a charity dinner I’d organised – was I permitted to enter a depressing warehouse 20 minutes away, where I eventually tracked down the crate containing Goofy.
It had been turned upside down; his water bowl had spilt, so he had no water. I was sick with worry. All the way back to London, I thought of Goofy in the stifling hold; I even asked the captain to notify Heathrow to have an air ambulance on standby. I need not have worried: when I collected my new permanent companion from kennels four days later, he was fit as a fiddle.
From then on my life changed. I bought a car to transport him – the Goofy wagon. I rented a place in the country – the Goofy cottage. I did so much dog-walking that I began to look like E L Wisty in shapeless mac and muddy boots.
I had lost my heart to a character. A long body set on short Queen Anne legs gave Goofy a perky, comical look and he carried himself very proudly, which made people smile. “You have the stretch-limo version,” said Geordie Greig, editor of Tatler, kindly.
Very unusually for a dog, Goofy looked one straight and openly in the eyes; he actually studied people’s expressions. Begging for food was a proven survival tactic and he was a master of beguilement. Meanwhile, he quickly learnt English (“Goofy, don’t even think it”). One day I found our postman, impressed by Goofy’s mastery of two languages, stroking his ears: “You’re bi-woofal, you are.”
Goofy was a big flirt: with one paw raised, he would focus on some beautiful girl passing by and she would melt. My brother, after an evening trot with Goofy, reported with awed respect: “That dog is a babe magnet.”
How did a dog who had never been allowed in a house, cope with a London flat? Magnificently. He embraced London life as effortlessly as he did life in his cottage in Wiltshire. Mayfair was his patch: Allen’s the butchers and the tailor Doug Hayward for breakfast; last thing at night, he’d go to Harry’s Bar for cheese straws; or the cafe Richoux for a sausage; then he’d take me to the ristorante Serafino, where he’d have two amaretti biscuits for dessert. A goodnight to his friend the doorman at the Connaught hotel, then bed.
When I started Travelpets, an advisory service, Goofy became a celebrity. Taxi drivers knew him by name – especially after he had appeared on Richard & Judy, where he behaved beautifully despite my fears that he would be the only celebrity guest to lick his own genitals on their sofa.
When the marshal of the Diplomatic Corps gave a reception at St James’s Palace for ambassadors (whose pets suffered from our quarantine laws), I spoke about pet travel. Hearing my voice, Goofy mounted the platform and posed with one paw on my foot to soppy aaahs from the diplomats. A silver tray arrived bearing dog biscuits.
My alpha dog was bossy; I suspected he did my bidding out of consideration for my feelings. He was competitive with men. He enjoyed rogering the legs of such opinionated authors as the historian Paul Johnson; he was especially roguish with a gay vicar we knew. Goofy wasn’t a clinging lapdog; he was a boisterous free spirit. But he seemed to worry what might happen to me if he wasn’t there to oversee things. As a result, I was the one on a short lead.
When I dressed up in the evenings, Goofy would react with a deep sigh of disapproval at the sight of my high heels. High heels meant dinner parties, which were often dog-free zones; he approved of stout boots, ready for dog-walking.
The RSPCA advises that one should not leave a dog alone for more than four hours; Ted, another of Goofy’s besotted coterie, was delighted to babysit and walk him if I had to go out at night. Early on in my life as a canine spinster, I went to the white-tie annual Royal Academy dinner and Goofy not only gave me a wintry look as I climbed into a long dress; he struggled towards me, groaning and pleading with his eyes. Decidedly off colour. Worse still, his favourite supper lay untouched.
In consternation, I left Ted a note asking him to keep a close eye on the dog and ring me on my mobile so that I could rush back at any moment. Long dinner, longer speeches – and then the opportunity of drinks with such luminaries as Sir David Attenborough. I gave my apologies – I’m afraid I have a sick dog at home. I hurled myself out of the taxi, heart racing.
Ted looked unperturbed. “Belinda, I don’t know what you were talking about. Goofy wolfed his supper as soon as I arrived and has dragged me round the entire neighbourhood.” It had been a try-on.
Thereafter, the balance of power had to be adjusted regularly; as he got older, Goofy wanted me more and more. When I had the temerity to go away for a week, he would sulk in his kennels and refuse to eat for three days and cheered up only when they introduced a bitch to his quarters. He sent me to Coventry for two whole days on my return.
It was true that I didn’t go out as much, or venture as far – foreign travel had lost its allure. Why bother, when we could go out, the two of us, and I could witness the absolute joy of my dog, bounding through the long wet grass in the fields behind my cottage?
So I became a country girl and summers passed with lunches on the lawn; Goofy would take his own chair at the garden table so he could join in conversations. In vets’ waiting rooms, he would jump onto the chairs reserved for owners; when his name was called, he would affect lofty indifference (Me? No, I’m not a patient).
Gradually, he ensured that our world contained just the two of us. Leaving him meant that wherever I went, I would see that little face, eyes fixed on the front door, not moving till I returned. So we were always, always together. He came each day to my office, where he curled up beneath my desk, a soothing, loving presence. He regulated my day, punctuating it with walks, pauses for snacks or cuddles.
I walked around with a smile on my face because people smiled when they saw him; we strutted along, each idiotically proud of the other. I avoided travel or late nights out; shopping was no longer a matter of browsing through boutiques – shopping was for essentials, like liver and pig’s ears.
There seemed nothing lonely about a cottage in the woods, miles from a road, when there were two of us by the log fire, sharing roast chicken for supper. At night the owls hooted, but I had the reassurance of Goofy, curled up at the end of the bed, dreaming of the day’s rabbits . . . paws twitching, a tiny corner of pink tongue visible.
Goofy had been bashed about a bit in Greece: tests showed a broken shoulder, a wasted foreleg, a fractured spine and hip that had left him twisted and arthritic; he had even been swung by his legs, which had damaged his tendons. His hip or back could be put out if he overdid things – so I had to watch anxiously for signs, then supply rest, drugs and massage until he was better.
He was frequently in pain until Richard Allport, a conventional vet who had turned to acupuncture, transformed Goofy’s life. He bore the needles each week with equanimity, greeting Richard with licks of doggy affection.
One grey day, Goofy fell ill with a set of symptoms I hadn’t seen before. He was hunched over with pain; he couldn’t eat and he was very cold. At the vets’ they were perplexed; they put him on painkillers, lots of antibiotics and a drip. There were many agonising visits; when I left the vets’, I would fight back tears in the car park, pierced by Goofy’s heartrending struggles to escape and come home.
One vet mentioned “letting him go”; nobody could identify the cause of Goofy’s problem. After two weeks he had swollen horrendously with fluid and the vets said I should drive him to a referral hospital more than 100 miles away. There was only one precious 9.30am appointment with a specialist and if I didn’t make it . . .
If you’ve seen House, the American TV series about a brilliant diagnostic doctor who specialises in solving medical mysteries, here was a fitter, more approachable House – for dogs. I stayed near the hospital for days, as Goofy bore with a kidney section and lumbar puncture.
I asked the marvellous doctor, Clive Elwood, to tell me if I was being foolish or selfish, keeping Goofy alive; but he said the dog hadn’t given up, so I shouldn’t. But there was serious kidney damage; in quiet straightforward words, the doctor prepared me for the next stage: I would be taking home an emaciated and weak dog who might have weeks, not months. I said I understood, though I couldn’t comprehend fully what he’d told me.
From the minute I got him home, Goofy fought for life. He could not rest easily and every groan or turn made me anxious; if he was restive, I got up to soothe him; if silent and still, to check if he was still alive. I nursed him through each night, both of us near exhaustion; and with titanic effort, he came through.
Soon he wanted walks in the fields; he dug a delightfully muddy hole in the garden; he got out his favourite toys; and he regained weight. I began to nurse wild fancies that he would beat the odds. Then he started to be unable to keep food down.
I took him back to the vets’, where mercifully the senior vet Pip was on duty. Goofy was bright and alert, he agreed, and, no, he didn’t think it was time for euthanasia; he’d keep him in for injections and tests – I could return at midday.
Exhausted and fearing the worst, I wandered aimlessly from shop to shop, where the shopkeepers were Goofy’s friends; some kept special bowls for him. The news at midday was reassuring; I could come back at six and take him home.
But at six, Pip had news. “I’m afraid I was misled in my first diagnosis because Goofy is trying to pretend he’s all right, in order to come home to you. It’s bravado. He is much sicker than I originally thought. You asked if it was time . . . I think now, or in the next few days, it is.”
Part of me wanted to rush through the hospital and grab my little boy (because he was my little boy) and run away. But somehow, with Pip’s support, I found the courage for my decision.
I will never, ever forget the next 20 minutes, as I prepared to kill the dog who loved me. Goofy leapt out of his pen when he saw me, pushing at the door for us to leave. After he was given a sedative injection, I was told – to my horror – that I could walk him round outside for 10 minutes, while it took effect. Outside, Goofy saw the car and rushed to it . . . Mummy, let’s go home.
When he looked at me aghast, no longer able to move, I carried him into the hospital onto the bare operating table. I wish I could say what followed was dignified or beautiful. There, while he was still conscious, I had to hold him tightly, too tightly, as the lethal injection finally turned him into something very different and alien. The vet’s eyes, too, were a little wet: perhaps because this is an area of unsung heroism in vets; or perhaps he saw the very moment my heart broke.
Clutching an empty collar, I drove home alone for the first time in 10 years. No furry face would ever again pop up in the driving mirror, excited at our homecoming. Never again would I hear a bump, bump, as he made his way downstairs in the mornings, to ask for the hairdryer to warm his sore shoulder. Now he is gone and his absence is everywhere. The patch on the bed that he had made his own; the countless moments each day when I would feel a lick on my hand or a pressure of a paw on my lap.
After his death, I would wake up and find myself standing alone on the bedroom floor at four in the morning, still checking in my sleep on a dog who was lost for ever. Walks in the fields and woods round the cottage became painful and somehow pointless.
People may say he was only a dog; that, childless as I am, I allowed him to mean far, far too much. But our deepest communication is without words; and what Goofy gave me was a canine lesson in love: utterly single-minded, total devotion. He gave me his whole heart; so I simply did the same.
Losing him means bereavement of such depth that it has astonished and marked me: cold days and nights of grief – and, my Goofy, I wouldn’t have missed a minute of them.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Be careful what you wish for....

Do you ever wish for something and it happened and you kinda felt after that you wish that it NEVER should had happened? that is why a lot of people always warn you when ever you want to make a wish, they said be BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR! it is so true! because of many of my wishes been granted i end up not a happy PUSS....sameone told me that everything happen came with a prize. that person are so right! hopefully the Lucy in me will keep strong and loved as the way she is.

Thank You........

i would like to say Thank You to my beautiful friend Mimi for the award, it cheer me up today as well, i am still learning on how to make mine look interesting, when do i have time in the world to do that! but i must say, i do admired you mimie darling...the story and how you make me and many others hooked on your blog!

Tuesday, 5 August 2008


i am so excited today as it is THE DAY, i have received a lot of text and calls from everyone including my family, Thank you you all! i love you!!!! i shall enjoy today and paint the town in LUCY STYLE!

Friday, 1 August 2008

Hello !

It has been a busy couples of day, Kylie Concert last Saturday evening were ROCK! she is a truly great performer, she has a pom-pom cheer girls on stage and she dress up as the cheerleader and did a lots of other costume changes plus the best stage prop EVER! like she has this huge silver human skull hanging mid air and she was sitting on top?! i strongly advice anyone to go and see Kylie! it was so good that everyone, young and old including me dance all night to all her songs. The final song were I Should feel so lucky. it start at 8pm and finish at 11pm. then we had to travel to Marbella in Spain the next day for 4 days weekend away. Spain were Very Warm this time of the year it, it is like 34 degree in a day and 25 degree in the evening! it is like Malaysia but very dry, rock mountain everywhere and the don't have any forest or huge tress. nice beach and tapas food.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Summer finally here!

At last! summer finally show it face to all of us in London, for those who live in warm country, you don't know how much we have waited in anticipation for the temperature to reach above 20 ish! apart from good weather on Wimbledon it has been very grey and cold here. it is typical English weather VERY unpredictable. with not much time wasted, i wore my summer dress and a flat ballerina shoes, big sunglasses Ala Paris Hilton, off i go!
I took the opportunity by Walking along Green park today with generous amount of SPF 50 on my face, i can feel the excitment of little girl in me as the sun heat my skin, it is kinda different here during summer time, it is kinda hot but still you can feel a breeze came along now and then. just enough not to make you sweet, with a lots of huge tree in the city you can take refuge under the trees, a frappucino and magazines ...there perfect me time! while chilling under the trees, all sort of business ideas came flooding in. Still want to keep it hush hush as i don't want to jinx it. but will keep you posted on matters in the future.

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Whats up...

Another week gone by, my attempt to get fit at the gym doing well, i suffered so much muscle pain that nearly write these routine off my list! one morning a day after the gym, i could not fizically got up from bed and going up and down the stairs! arrrgggg!!! but i shall never give up....also it took my mind off the problem i had recently, which i will never understand... it is making me depress....and to my insane moment i been stuffing face with CUPCAKE! aren't they just Divine.........
well girls! these sweet little thing are not helping me lose those fat, but it does help to ease and forget those problems for a few lenght of time. Mimie i wish you can share these with me, you know how much i like to nibble on sweet stuff! by the way hope the house moving doing ok. blog same pictures please!!!!

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Have a Laugh on ME!

Love the Bunny! and i would like to share this funny show with everyone, enjoy!

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Felt like a Zombie today as i been out clubbing last night at China white with my darling new husband, bother in-law and his new girlfriend who live outside London, i had not been out since my honeymoon holiday in Vegas USA, woke up this morning with a massive hang over! it all because of the Many many Vanilla Vodka Shot! the only allergy reaction i have is it made me dance all night long......and because of that all my joint ache tremendously! where are all my stamina gone? why is it when we came to an certain age, everything catch up on you soooooo quickly? i remember when i was in high school, i use to escape home through the back door or my bedroom window regularly just to go clubbing ( Mimie darling? remember ROCKY club? ) it doesn't matter if i had to go to school the next day! i must admit i am fighting very hard keeping the urge to go out clubbing in me, as the dawn of having children approaching i do not want to waste any minute of it even i had to suffer the consequence! so another party to organise for my birthday next month! oh! by the way, i did had fun last night!!!

Thursday, 10 July 2008

You only 31 Once!

well......as we know that my birthday coming up next month, i have been busy today, window shopping for my birthday present! it is our tradition that every year for my birthday i will get a new handbag and Christmas a new jewellery. SO i have been to Chanel today and i didn't like any of the collection, what a shame........i might just wait for the birkin bag that suppose to arrived end of august or i might get a new jewellery from Theo Fennel. I could collect the individual pieces and build a nice charm bracelet.

or a new watch? used to love Chopard, and Cartier but since i already have both as my jewellery, maybe Rolex or Frank Muller? we will see....have to do more window shopping!

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Over to you...

What a miserable day today, it rained like cats and dogs, I was stuck in door and just feeling restless! out of boredom i've decided to clear up my bathroom drawers, to my surprised i discover that i had clutters of mini sample of perfume, face cleanser, toner, moisturiser, lip balms?, shampoos and conditioners sachet from magazines, did anyone ever done that? rip them off from magazines? thinking that you might try them all one day! and at the end you kinda forgot about it?. And the rest were given by the sales girls at the make-up counters everytime i purchase something or just experimenting on new products or free goodies bags from fashion shows and free gift when you travel business or first class,i thought of throwing them away, but decided to pass them all to my sisters as it was too good to be bin. So people, Pass it over coz it make me feel happy knowing someone else can make use of them and knowing that now i have more space for new products! shopping time, The sales on!

Monday, 7 July 2008

Which tube Line is your man?

If anyone ever uses the london underground for quite sametime i am sure you guys will agree with me on these one. if not read and learn....it helps!

The old adage rings true: 'Men are like buses-you wait for ages and then two come along at once'. And that's fine-after many many months of nothing or pehap years, the very least that can be gifted to you is two men to choose between. However, it's only during that decision-making process that you are realise that men are actually more like Tube trains! my opinions anyway......
They are unpredictable creatures. the signs may all point to them doing one thing, but they will, without warning, do something else and completely ruin your day.and there are always the stock excuses for this, which you know mask any number of dark truths: signal failure, breakdowns, other passenger 'activity'.

fortunately for us girls, the london underground has provided a key to help single girl or manniser girl to navigate the perils and pitfalls of these unpredictable beast(men), like trains can be categorised by tube line.

Those i describe as District line men are posh, like many of those areas the line runs through,and like the line itself, a bit slow.There is also the worry that the man , like the line serves a large number of stations, if you know what i mean......

Northern line men are rough, ready and unreliable, while Central line men are fast and to the point. and the Jubilee line men? he's a slick City type who is occasionally and suprisingly, deep.

The Piccadilly is the old reliable stand-by ( you know there is probably a better way to get where you're going, but he's always just there). He involves little effort and almost no thought.

Circle line men are the most frustrating of all!. They're never where they're suppose to be, they'll let you down, yet samehow you'll always end up stuck on them and the relationship will be forever doomed to go round in circle........

As the joles goes, men who ride the Bakerloo line are probably more likely to get excited about your new pair of Jimmy Choos than you. Metropolitan line equals metro-sexual and, apart from bakerloo line boys, they're the only one you'll catch wearing purple ( and using your hair straighteners, moisturiser and pore-perfecting face mask). And whatever you do, dont go for the East London line men.They are the one who are - physically, mentally or emotionally - closed until further notice.

The only difference between men and Tube trains? on the Tube, speed ia an asset.

Quilty at 30

Out of Curiousity i took the test..... the result are shocking! when will i EVER grow up!?

You Act Like You Are 21 Years Old
You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life.
You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up.
The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them.
What Age Do You Act?

Friday, 27 June 2008

Up! and Down! and again!

upon wake-up today, it occur to me that i have not been to the gym since February! i used to do a lot of yoga as well,i knew it sound boring but girl?! those fat are not shifting away on its own! yap! i am 5kg over weight! all the cloth just look wrong when i wore them, like a fat bulge over my jeans?! i had to wear a tummy control pants!! for god sake! that's is sooo wrong! so i pack my beg and head over to the gym. I nearly die on the rowing machine and basically died on the stepper machine! lucky no marie france here. Now i am on a mission 3 times a week to get toned up and will keep you posted on how I'm getting on. MIMIE too much ayam kampung goreng! and kaya! but never regret it. he! he! he!

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

I Need a drink!

back to reality yesterday, after that wedding preparation, family visit and honeymoon expenses, finally ive just received my Credit card statement. My GOD! i nearly had a heart attack! i am going to pay it all off today and will burried that card deep, VERY DEEP inside my drawers. My husband said to me that no more shopping for 3 months!! what?! I Need a drink! Please!!! mimie dear, i need that stop the urge pill! lots of those please?!

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Sex and The City Movie

what can i say? i ABFABILOUSLY Love the movie!!!! we watch it at the cinema yesterday and will watch it again this time on my own sametime next week! it is a rarerity to have a friends that are wiling to endure all your adult experience in relationship and day to day life like carrie bradshaws. I wish i had a good friends like that. I love the scene when Mr Big propose to carrie with a manolo blanik shoes on one bended knee.......soooo carrie........

Monday, 2 June 2008


Finally, the single girl.......got hitch again! 30 may 2008 . i owned my MR BIG! or rather MR G.

i still cant believe the party was over, it was a Fabulous day, lots of fresh flower every where, it took 10 months of preparation. i wish i had time on my own to wonder around the wedding reception an smell the fresh flower. unfortunately the whole thing went so fast.

I am extremely happy to be MRS G! i am not very good at pouring my heart out but i will try to summed up my feeling about my MR G, after having a previous fail marriage, it took a very long time for me to trust a men again. i always thought Male species are strange! . Upon meeting Mr G, it all changed.He thought me how believe in relationship again that not every men are the same. He is a very romantic person, caring and a little boy in a grown up body, and very career driven but never forget what matters most which is time with the family. i admired him for that.A complete 'Mummy Boys' but i can deal with it.But the biggest test for him is have to deal with demanding ME! time after time he pass all the 'Lucys test'. not many guys can do that, they will runned a many miles away!. We had a lot of laugh all the time, he always knew how to wind me up with his many many scartic jokes! sometime i fall for it, same time i pretend too! as i knew its only a joke, just to keep him going and he realise that he just make a fool of himselves then we had a massive laugh about it. Mr G is not perfect yet no body is perfect including me, i believe that a 'little flaws' is good for the relationship otherwise it would be boring but one always wonder if only.... but that label MRS G? very chic!

Thursday, 22 May 2008

What A day....

I was so excited yesterday knowing and seeing half of the family arrived from KK. Then i take them on the London tour bus for half of the day and i am glad they enjoying it, unfortunately i had to leave them half way to meet someone regards wedding arrangement and soon after that i dash back to meet the family near Big Ben area and panic as i cant seem to locate them for nearly 30min!!! then tap on the shoulder PHEWWW.......... here we are! finally... i knew nothing going to happen to them.
anyway son after that we head back home, they pretty much jet legged by now, i had to leave them to rest and sleep. Heading to Harrod for my wedding dress 2nd fitting and at first it would not zip up to the top and i nearly pass out thought the dress not ready, start blaming myself thought i had put on weight!!! then the lady told me that the alteration had taking same space in the fabric and make it tighter so she worked her wonder and it fitted perfectly! i am happy Bunny by now.NEXT i head to Harvey Nic for my bridal make-up trial at the shu umura counter, a Japanese make-up artist name ( i shall came back to you with that) do my make-up and i was realieve as i knew i am in a safe hand as she is an Asian and she understand what Asian girls like for event make-up. an hour and half later..........

I love it! I looked tired as i been up since 7am and it actually look much better in real life than the compact camera, so i booked the lady for my wedding. two job done today! by the end of the 6pm i am already sooooooooo tired......... i passed out on bed at 8pm, sorry darling, not tonite....

Kylie Player